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Gwecko Community

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Should I change the server design so there it looks more simple and there is less emojis? It would like similar to this. If you have any recommendatio

1. No Raiding

2. Do not advertise in any channel other than an advertising one

3. Any form of discrimination is not allowed this will also result in a ban.

4. Don't be rude to members or staff there is no need and you will get kicked or banned

5. No NSFW in any channel. This includes violence, gore, profanity or pornography

6. No dm advertising at all

7. No begging for nitro, money or anything else

8. No impersonation or alts

9. Do not post malicious links or files in the server that can steal information.

10. Do not ping people without a reason or mass mention.

11. Swearing is allowed as long as you don't offend anyone with it.

12. Do not ask for permission higher roles or staff positions except in Mod applications

13. Use every channel appropriately and what they're meant for

14. Do not mini mod Let staff members do their job.

15. Do not attempt to bypass the server auto moderation.

16. IP grabbing or hacking anyone will result in a ban

17. Do not leak anyone's personal information

18. No harassment/bullying

19. Please make sure you follow Discord ToS

20. Be nice to everyone

21. Only English is allowed in this server, the usage of any other languages might get resulted with a warning or a mute.

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