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DSC stands for Discoin. By buying Discoin, you can expanse your server and reach more members.

DSC alma yöntemleri burada açıklanacak.

By clicking the "Show in Server of the Day" button, you can show your server in the Server of the Day section. Don't forget, you can only show your server once a day.

Sponsorship is a way to show your server's name on top of the page by the same time supporting us. You can buy sponsorship for 1 day, 3 days, 7 days or 30 days.

Boost is a way to highlight your server in the category you choose. You can buy boost for 1 day, 3 days, 7 days or 30 days.

By clicking the "Highlight" button, you can highlight your server in the category you choose. Don't forget, you can only highlight your server once a day.

Bots are the digital assistants of Discord. They can automate tasks, moderate your server, and provide entertainment. In Bots servers, you'll find a wide range of bots with various functionalities. Whether you need a moderation bot, a music bot, or a bot to tell jokes, these servers are the perfect place to explore and discover the right bot for your server.

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