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Farm Rules
Chat Rules
• 1: It is forbidden to use profanity or slang in the text channels.
• 2: NSFW is prohibited - this includes images, profile pictures, usernames, nicknames, etc. are included.
• 3: Please avoid drama on the server, were all here to have a good time!
• 4: Discrimination Is Forbidden As This Is A Global Server
• 5: Discussing sensitive issues is prohibited. Examples: religion, racism, and politics
• 6: It is forbidden to talk about disturbing topics / post pictures.
• 7: Spam, flooding and caps lock are prohibited.
• 8: Dont mention a member more than once, mention the person you mentioned once and wait for them to reply.
• 9: Bot command channel for commands, in videos and photos . videos etc. use the channel.
Voice Chat Rules
• 1: It is forbidden to try to establish unnecessary polemic and vocal superiority.
• 2: It is forbidden to use profanity or slang in public rooms and writing channels.
• 3: It is forbidden to turn on bass or use voice changer programs in chat rooms.
• 4: It is forbidden for members to insult each other and engage in offensive behavior.
General rules
• 1: It is forbidden to make any kind of advertisement.
• 2: Anything that threatens and puts personal data and our server at risk is prohibited.
• 3: You are not allowed to use our server to promote your own discord server in any way.
• 4: Please note that an official may penalize if they find your action inappropriate for the server.
• 5: Above all, the easiest way for everyone to have a good experience is to be polite and respect each other!
• Note: Everyone who enters our server is deemed to have read and accepted the rules.
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