Along with the Community Standards, we have some additional rules for the Discord Server:
🔸No spam or self-promotion (server invites, advertisements, YouTube links etc). This includes DMing fellow members.
• You can share clips to share-clips through the Medal App.
🔸No NSFW or obscene content.
• This includes text, images, or links featuring nudity, sex, hard violence, or other graphically disturbing content.
🔸No offensive or obscene language, this includes references of hate speech towards:
• Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Age, Disability, Sexual Orientation, Politics, or Religion.
🔸No harassment of any kind! Let's be nice to each other!
🔸Abuse of our Discord server community to spam users can result in removal or ban from the server
🔸No self-promotion outside of Medal Profile links in medal-profile-and-groups
🔸Listen to the @Moderator's. They are here to help 😃
🔸For voice channels, no webcams.
🔸This server is predominately an English speaking server. We would ask if you could speak English in this server.
We do understand that Medal is available in many different languages, we are working on providing better support for other languages in this or other servers. Stayed tuned for updates!
Be nice. Be smart. Have fun!
All Medal Staff and Moderators reserve the right to remove any content or member that they deem unnecessary or rule breaking
If you are looking for support, we have a Self Help section that may answer your questions/issues. Otherwise, you can use the i-need-help channel where @Support Team can help you!
How to use !report
To report a member breaking the rules above, you can use the report command like this in any text channel:
!report @username {message link} {reason}
The report will instantly be deleted from the text channel you posted in and will notify Moderators and Staff to take a look.
It's time to ditch unreliable recorders that impact FPS and fill up disk space. Get Medal today 💪