dcsv.me 🟢 165 Online
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17 Oy
79 #Public July 2024

Welcome aboard to our great server, we socialise here as there are many people around the world who can meet eachother join us today!

Have a great day chatting with other people, join our voicecalls and search for a good friend of yours inside our server we treat our members as our friends join us today and have a fun talk here.

Bu yer boş görünüyor. Gatebytes

📜 1. Discord Terms of Service and Community Guidelines apply.
You must be at least 13 years old to use Discord and abide by all other terms and guidelines.

😎 2. Be cool, kind, and civil.
Treat all members with respect and constructively express your thoughts.

🔤 3. Use English only!
Communicate in English, but be considerate of all languages.

📨 4. Do not spam!
spamming will result in a mute, this means sending a repeated msg or multiple ones at a time

📢 5. No self-promotion or advertisements.
This includes unsolicited references and links to other social media, servers, communities, and services in chat or direct messages(DM).

🛡️ 6. No personal information.
Protect your privacy and the privacy of others.

🤕 7. No harassment, abuse, bullying or insulting
Swearing is allowed but you are not allowed to use bad language to insult someone nor insult someone in good language. We have zero-tolerance for harming others.

🗯️ 8. No racist, sexist, anti-LGBTQ+, or otherwise offensive content.
Saying the N-word and all of its shorts or any other racist word. You must follow the discord t&s and the community guidelines as we have zero-tolerance for hate speech.

🔞 9. No NSFW content!
Any form of pornography, nude, gore or animal porn imagery is not allowed on the server as it would be breaking TOS. We do not condone illegal or suspicious discussions and activity.

🔗 10. No inappropriate and short links!
Any inappropriate links (phishing pishing links, screamers, viruses or others) are not allowed on the server and do not use any short link (e.g adf.ly, linkvertise or shrinkearn) to link any script that you did not make or made yourself or any other things.

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