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!AutoPlay (!A / !AP / !Auto) Toggles auto play. !BackWard (!BW / !Rewind) Backwards the playing song. !Filter (!F / !Mode / !Filters) Applies different audio filters. !Forward (!FW) Forwards the playing song. !Help (!H / !CMD / !CMDs / !Command / !Commands) Shows This! !Join (!J / !C / !Connect) Joins to your current Voice Channel. !Leave (!L / !DC / !Left / !Disconnect) Leaves from your Voice Channel. !Loop (!Repeat) Changes loop mode. !Lyrics (!LY / !Lyric / !Text) Shows the current playing song's lyrics. !NowPlaying (!NP / !Now / !Song / !Music / !Playing / !Current) Shows the current playing song. !Pause (!Hold) Pauses the current song. !Ping (!L / !Latency) Shows the bot's latency. !Play (!P / !start) Plays song for you. !PlaySkip (!PS) Plays the song and skips current song. !PlayTop (!PT) Plays the song before other songs in the queue. !Previous (!B / !Back) Plays previous song. !Queue (!Q / !List / !Playli

Eklendi: 2025 yıl önce


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