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Syna*sw @syna21

Official server of Professional Gamer and YouTuber sc0ut. Use discord.gg/sc0ut to invite your friends.

The primary purpose of this server is to bring members together and provide a platform for regular, respectful communication within the framework of established rules. The server aims to create a community where members can interact in a safe, positive, and organized environment.

Furthermore, the server seeks to establish a space where members can focus on shared interests and topics, fostering a sense of community around specific themes. The rules set in place encourage fair and ethical behavior, promoting a respectful atmosphere and aligning with the mission of the server.

In essence, the core objective of this server is to build a community where members can engage in safe, respectful, and organized communication, uphold the established rules, and create a communal atmosphere centered around shared topics of interest.

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Inappropriate, sexually explicit, offensive, or untaggable names/nicknames are strictly prohibited.
Profile pictures that violate privacy, contain explicit content, or are offensive are not allowed.
Exploiting loopholes in the rules is forbidden. If any are discovered, please report them to a Moderator or Staff member.
Moderators have the authority to change nicknames at their discretion, irrespective of specific rules.
The use of selfbots and exploitation of Discord bugs, glitches, etc., are not permitted.
Posting sexually explicit, pornographic, NSFW, illegal, or content related to piracy, modding, or hacking in any server channels is strictly prohibited.
Sharing personal information, including your own or others', is considered doxxing and is a severe offense. Catfishing and impersonation are also treated as serious violations.
Personal attacks, harassment, or toxic behavior towards other server members, except friends, is not allowed. Abusing is permitted within limits. Complaints about behavior will result in necessary actions.
Discussions on hate, sexism, racism, religious, controversial, and political topics, as well as sexual topics, will not be tolerated.
Excessive messaging, unnecessary use of spoilers, too many emojis, advertisements, link posting, and excessive use of CAPS are not allowed in any text channels.

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