What is Axie Infinity?
For a basic introduction to Axie, please read our Whitepaper:
Playing Axie
There are currently two versions of Axie Infinity. First, there’s Axie Infinity: Classic and Axie Infinity: Origin. Origin is meant to replace classic overtime. We support both games for now.
Axie Infinity: Classic
Classic is the first game we released in 2019. Through Classic, Axie became a genre-defining game and introduced millions of people to Blockchain technology.
To play Classic, you need to own three Axies and have a Ronin wallet. You can play adventure mode, which is you vs the computer or arena, you vs another person. Wins in the Arena will earn you SLP and MMR to rank up on the leaderboard.
Axie Infinity: Origin
Origin, our newest game, is an upgrade to Classic. It features new art, animations, faster gameplay, Axie upgrading, and free starter Axies.
Axies are fierce, fantasy pets that you can battle & collect while earning crypto!
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