Honoring Filipino History, Spirituality, and Culture || Filipino Classes, Resources, and Community✨
This server is exclusively for Filipinos - mainland and diaspora - who want to decolonize, learn our history, and/or explore spirituality with a focus on anituo reconstruction. That is, the spiritual practices of our ancestors reconstructed from historical record.
We have a large (and always growing) library of resources available on various Filipino and witchcraft topics as well as classes that community members have put on covering similar topics.
In the end, we are a Filipino community and encourage all Filipinos to join. Our mission is to honor Filipino History, Spirituality, and Culture.
Server Purpose 🌺
Decolonizing Minds, Nourishing Spirits 🌐🌿
Diwatahan stands as a symbol of decolonization, inviting Filipinos to reclaim their narratives and histories. The server is a space for unraveling the threads of colonization, fostering an environment where members can rediscover and embrace the authentic spirituality woven into the fabric of Filipino identity. Anituo reconstruction becomes a guiding principle, guiding members on a path that connects them with the spiritual practices of their ancestors, meticulously reconstructed from historical records.
Knowledge Oasis and Spiritual Exploration 📚✨
At the heart of Diwatahan lies a treasure trove of knowledge. The server hosts a large and ever-expanding library that covers a spectrum of Filipino and witchcraft topics. From historical narratives to spiritual explorations, the resources within Diwatahan serve as beacons guiding community members on a journey of self-discovery. In addition to the wealth of written knowledge, community-led classes offer a dynamic platform for individuals to delve deeper into shared interests, fostering a culture of continuous learning and exploration.
A Filipino Cultural Haven 🇵🇭🤗
Diwatahan is more than a server; it's a community-driven movement encouraging every Filipino to join hands. Our mission is clear – to honor Filipino history, spirituality, and culture. This is a space where Filipinos can authentically express themselves, celebrate their shared heritage, and contribute to a vibrant cultural exchange. It's a haven that nurtures a sense of belonging and pride in being part of a community that values the richness of Filipino identity.
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Server Rules 📜🇵🇭
To ensure Diwatahan remains a harmonious and insightful space, we've established a set of guidelines:
Respectful Cultural Exchange 🤝🌺: Treat every member with respect and an open heart. Embrace the diversity of perspectives within the Filipino community, fostering an environment of mutual understanding.
Exploration with Open Minds 🌐🔍: Encourage open-minded exploration. Embrace the opportunity to learn about anituo reconstruction, Filipino history, and spirituality. Approach discussions with a genuine desire to understand and grow.
Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration 📚🤲: Share knowledge generously. Contribute to the server's library, participate in classes, and collaborate with fellow members. The richness of Diwatahan comes from the collective wisdom of its community.
Supportive Spiritual Exploration 🌿🤗: Nurture a supportive atmosphere for spiritual exploration. Recognize that everyone is on their unique journey, and provide encouragement and guidance when needed.
Celebrate Filipino Pride 🇵🇭🎉: Embrace and celebrate your Filipino identity with pride. Diwatahan is a space to express your cultural heritage, fostering a sense of community and connection among all members.