About The StudyON
In today's competitive world, individuals often find themselves working alone, struggling with a lack of motivation and decreased productivity. This challenge is especially prevalent among university students, high school students, working professionals, and educators. This is where "StudyOn" comes into play.
"StudyOn" is designed to empower users to enhance their motivation and work more efficiently, even when working alone. Whether you are a student or a professional, StudyOn allows you to compete with friends, keeping your motivation levels high while achieving greater productivity.
About The StudyON
In today's competitive world, individuals often find themselves working alone, struggling with a lack of motivation and decreased productivity. This challenge is especially prevalent among university students, high school students, working professionals, and educators. This is where "StudyOn" comes into play.
"StudyOn" is designed to empower users to enhance their motivation and work more efficiently, even when working alone. Whether you are a student or a professional, StudyOn allows you to compete with friends, keeping your motivation levels high while achieving greater productivity.
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To maintain a community with meaningful conversations, please refrain from posting copypastes, chain mails, backlogging bots or joining/leaving voice chats rapidly. Advertisements, self-promotion, or shilling (such as your Twitch stream, an invite to your Discord Server, etc.) can be spammy and detract from our community discussions. Please be mindful when posting unrelated content.
Stay on topic of the channel.
To facilitate communication, we have specific channels dedicated to different aspects of StudyON - for more guidance, please check out each channel’s topic. Furthermore, we ask that you keep interactions primarily in English as our server is predominantly English-speaking. That said, we welcome other languages in support , general-global and introduce-yourself.
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Discord’s Terms of Service: https://discord.com/terms
Discord’s Community Guidelines: https://discord.com/guidelines
In order to encourage a healthy community, if you find another member potentially breaking these guidelines or disrupting our community, please notify a moderator so they can take action if necessary. A moderator may issue a warning, mute, or a ban, depending on the severity of the situation. Attempts to evade them are not tolerated.