Follow Discord's platform rules and guidelines!
Terms of Service:
Community Guidelines:
Please respect all members and their experiences. Hateful, rude, or bigoted comments will result in disciplinary action. Our aim is to make this space welcoming, inclusive, and constructive!
Do not spam. Spam includes anything from (though not limited to), repeated off-topic or nonsense messages, sending multiple messages in rapid succession, or purposefully breaking up sentences/words across multiple messages.
Advertising and self-promotion is prohibited in the server and in DMs. This includes servers, commissions, merchandise, or anything that aims to promote or draw attention to another creation or business.
This server is English-speaking only. Our team cannot reliably moderate other languages, so we ask that to keep a safe and friendly environment that all content is in English.
Please stay on-topic in our channels. A mod may ask you to move a conversation to another channel or DMs if we feel the conversation is off-topic!
All of these rules also apply to voice channels and we reserve the right to enforce them in DMs between members where applicable.
Finally, our team aims to make decisions with regards to context. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us through @HQ ModMail!
The Rythm HQ is the server for everything, well, Rythm! Here, you'll find discussion about our brand, products, and services. Welcome to the Rythm HQ, listener!
Questo posto sembra vuoto. Non ci sono server creati da