Let us know what your interests are so we can customize your Samsung US discord experience.
React with the following emojis to remove/add one or multiple interests! This will display and/or hide specific interest Discord channels.
1.) Respect all members. This includes staff members. Treat others with the same kindness and respect they show you.
2.) No spamming. This includes text walls, Zalgo text, duplicate text or any other form of spamming, as well as tagging another user for no reason.
3.) Do not advertise. Advertising other Discord servers, selling items worth real-life currency and posting dangerous links are all forbidden.
4.) No malicious content. This includes links that contain viruses, crash videos or token grabbers. Doing so will result in an automated ban, regardless of if you claim you were hacked.
5.) Keep all comments appropriate and relevant. Do not discuss sensitive topics. No NSFW (Not Safe for Work) content.
6.) Keep your username appropriate. If your username contains language we find to be inappropriate, we'll ask you to change it before issuing a ban. You can rejoin the server once you've changed it.
7.) Listen to staff members’ directions if you are told to stop doing something, before they have to take action. Refusing to stop can result in being muted, kicked or banned.
8.) This list of rules is not comprehensive, and this space is moderated at our discretion. Just because it’s not listed here doesn’t mean you’re free to do it — common sense goes a long way.
Let us know what your interests are so we can customize your Samsung US discord experience.
Cet endroit semble vide. Il n'y a aucun serveur créé par