**[ENG] Server Rules**
```1. No doxxing or harassment
Do not ask for, or share any personal information. Treat others with respect. Discriminatory jokes and language related to one’s race, age, gender, disability, etc. are prohibited.
2. No spamming or scamming
Sending repeated messages quickly may get you muted. Attempting to scam will get you banned immediately.
3. No NSFW content allowed
All NSFW content is not allowed in this server in any channel.
4. No advertising
Advertising of any kind is not allowed. This includes sending links, and asking others to DM you regarding something you are advertising.
5. No inappropriate user profiles or usernames
If your username or profile picture is deemed inappropriate, you will be required to change it or be banned from the server.
6. No trolling or providing misleading information
Do not purposely provide misleading information to other users.
7. Do not falsify proof or make false claims regarding issues with the website
Contact a staff member if you have experienced a legitimate issue with the website. If you make a false claim, you will not only get banned from the discord server but also from the website as well.
8. Do not spread misinformation```