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Mory is a Simple And Easy To Use Discord Music Bot Delivering High Quality Audio! Supports YouTube, Soundcloud And Soon Spotify Support: English, Farsi, Kurdish, Turkish Commands: $about - shows info about the bot $ping - checks the bot's latency $settings - shows the bots settings Music: $lyrics [song name] - shows the lyrics to the currently-playing song $nowplaying - shows the song that is currently playing $play - plays the provided song $playlists - shows the available playlists $queue [pagenum] - shows the current queue $remove - removes a song from the queue $search - searches Youtube for a provided query $scsearch - searches Soundcloud for a provided query $shuffle - shuffles songs you have added $next - votes to skip the current song DJ: $forceremove - removes all entries by a user from the queue $forceskip - skips the current song $movetrack - move a track in the current queue to a di


Añadido: 3 años hace

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