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Understanding and Reporting Discord Errors: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding and Reporting Discord Errors: A Comprehensive Guide
syrena ★ • syrenamera
Understanding and Reporting Discord Errors: A Comprehensive Guide

Discord, a popular platform for communication among gamers and communities, is not immune to errors and bugs. These glitches can disrupt user experiences, leading to frustration. This guide aims to help you understand what Discord errors are, how to report them, and what Discord Testers do to ensure a smoother experience for everyone.

What is an Error?

In the context of Discord, an error refers to any unexpected behavior or issue within the application that negatively affects the user experience. Examples include the app crashing unexpectedly or being unable to add friends to a Group DM despite not reaching the limit. Understanding these errors is crucial for effective reporting and resolution.

How to Report an Error

When you encounter a problem on Discord, reporting it promptly helps the development team address and fix the issue. Anyone can contribute by reporting errors through the Error Reporting form. Here’s how you can effectively report a Discord error:

  1. Provide a Brief Description: Offer a concise summary of the error, usually in one sentence.

  2. Step-by-Step Instructions: Detail the steps required to reproduce the error.

  3. Expected vs. Actual Behavior: Explain what should happen versus what is actually happening.

  4. Discord Version: Mention which version of Discord you are using.

  5. Device Information: Specify the device on which the error occurs.

Certain error reports may not be supported. It’s recommended to review the Unsupported Reports article before submitting an error report to ensure it falls within supported categories.

If you encounter an accessibility issue, also known as an A11Y issue, these can be reported through the Error Reporting form as well.

What is Discord Testers?

Currently, there is no open application process for the Discord Testers server, a private, invite-only Discord server for skilled volunteer bug testers, known as DTesters. This community focuses on identifying, reproducing, and submitting high-quality bug reports.

How to Become a Discord Tester

Recently, Discord held a Tester Evaluation Exam to identify new testers. If you participated and performed well, you should receive an email with further instructions. Remember to check your spam folder for emails from @discordapp.com.

For those not selected this time, don’t be discouraged. Here are some tips to improve your chances for the next evaluation:

  • Follow exam guidelines carefully.
  • Familiarize yourself with Discord’s features.
  • Utilize Discord support articles from the Help Center.

New testers will be added periodically, and more information will be provided as opportunities arise.

Frequently Asked Questions about Discord Testers

How can I report bugs if I am not part of the Discord Testers server?

Bug reports should be submitted via the Error Reporting form. Ensure all categories are filled out accurately.

Do Discord Testers need prior experience?

Yes, members of the Discord Testers server are expected to have submitted quality bug reports before joining.

Do Discord Testers need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?

Yes, testers may need to test unreleased features, which requires signing an NDA due to the sensitive nature of the information.

What is the time commitment for a Discord Tester?

Discord Testers are volunteers. While there is no minimum activity requirement, long periods of inactivity may result in removal from the server.

Is there a minimum age requirement for Discord Testers?

Yes, Discord users must be at least 13 years old. Testers between 13 and 18 years old need a parent or guardian to sign the NDA.

Can I be a Discord Tester if I don’t live in the United States?

Absolutely. Discord welcomes testers from around the world, but clear written communication in English is required.

Can I join the Discord Testers if I am not interested in bug reporting/testing?

The new version of Discord Testers is designed for skilled and active bug reporters/testers only.

How to Earn the Bug Hunter Badge

Bug Hunter Badges are awarded to Discord Testers who meet specific criteria. For preparation, review the Discord Bugs article to understand what constitutes a high-quality bug report. Remember, the most valuable bug reports are those that impact Discord’s usability and user experience.

Why Was the Original Discord Testers Format Changed?

The original Discord Testers community included both testers and enthusiasts, which made effective communication challenging. The diverse range of interests also limited the testable features. To enhance enjoyment and engagement for the most active testers, the program was updated.

Understanding and reporting Discord errors is vital for maintaining a seamless user experience. By following the guidelines for error reporting and potentially becoming a Discord Tester, you can play a crucial role in improving the platform for everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned bug reporter or a new user, your contributions are invaluable to the Discord community.

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