Support server for the Hachiko discord bot. Join our server to get help with the bot and chat with other people.
A fun and engaging bot bringing gambling games, economy systems, and entertainment to your Discord server! Let the fun begin!
Be respectful to everyone;
You should never be rude, hateful, or toxic to another member of the server. This means no swearing at others or using any insulting or offensive language toward other members. Please respect members' privacy, avoid asking intrusive questions, and refrain from sending unsolicited advertisements in the server or members' DMs.
Zero-tolerance NSFW policy;
We will never compromise on NSFW content. No adult content is allowed anywhere on the server, including child pornography, revenge porn, gore, or materials involving animal cruelty. This rule also extends to disturbing, bloody, or otherwise offensive content. Keep the server clean and consider this your only warning.
Keep conversations light;
Avoid discussing heavy topics like politics or religion in the server. This is not a place for real-life debates. For friendly discussions, stay respectful and ensure you follow the server rules during those conversations.
Respect the community;
This rule means no spamming channels, harassing staff, pressuring the community, bypassing moderation, or engaging in any activities that harm the community, its moderation, or its members' safety.
Listen to the moderators;
If you use common sense while interacting, you won’t have any issues. We may moderate content outside the rules when needed. Please do not argue with moderators in the chats and avoid discussing moderation actions or banned members in public channels. Instead, direct your questions about moderation or violations to @Moderator
Discord Official Rules;
The Community Guidelines and Terms of Service of Discord apply here. Turkish laws also apply, so do not post or share anything illegal or engage in unlawful activities.