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Void Development HQ

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Renanuya @renanuya

Welcome to Void Development Hub, the central space for all things related to our dynamic development team! Founded in 2019, Void Development is dedicated to fostering innovation, collaboration, and a passion for open-source projects. Join us on this exciting journey where we not only support and contribute to open-source initiatives but also constantly push the boundaries of development with our own groundbreaking projects.

pen Source Advocacy: At Void Development, we believe in the power of open source. Join us in supporting and contributing to a variety of open-source projects that make a positive impact on the development community.
Project Showcase: Explore the incredible projects our team is working on! From web applications to software solutions, we're always in the process of creating something new and innovative. Share your ideas, contribute your skills, and be part of projects that redefine the development landscape.
Collaborative Learning: Our community is a melting pot of talent. Engage in knowledge-sharing discussions, ask questions, and learn from experienced developers. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your coding journey, there's always room to grow with Void Development.
Development Challenges: Challenge yourself with our development challenges! Test your skills, solve problems, and have fun in a supportive environment. Who knows, you might even discover new ways to approach coding challenges.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts. Expand your professional network, share insights, and find collaborators for your next big project.

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Rule 1 Be respectful.
Treat others the way you would like to be treated, and assume best intentions. Don’t harass or attack others, and don’t engage in hateful or generally malicious behavior (e.g. sexism, racism, homophobia, etc.). Keep the negativity to a minimum.

Rule 2 Keep it G-rated.
Sharing NSFW or violent/disturbing content through messages or within Discord profiles is strictly prohibited.

Rule 3 Stay on topic.
Be mindful of what other users in a channel might find helpful or interesting when posting. Stay on topic in order to keep conversations focused and productive.

Rule 4 No spamming.
Do not spam or flood the server with messages, as this is disruptive. Mass pings, all-caps messages, repeatedly posting in a short amount of time, or making very similar posts sequentially are considered forms of spamming.

Rule 5 Refrain from sharing any Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
Please refrain from sharing any personal or sensitive information on the server. Doxxing other individuals is prohibited.

Rule 6 No political and religious discussions or content.
Users from all over the world frequent this server. To maintain a respectful and civil atmosphere on our server, please avoid all religious and political discussions or content.

Rule 7 No self-promotion, soliciting, or advertising.
Do not post or direct message any members of this server to promote non Void Development services, products, or project's links. ( For code support you can send screenshot by hiding the name of the project.)

Rule 8 Other Project Discussions.
Discussions of non Void Development projects/companys should only be posted and discussed in the server

Rule 9 Do not share or use content from this server without the creator's consent.
We do not allow crawling, scraping, or otherwise externally using any content or links posted in this Discord server without explicit consent from the original creator.

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