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Giveaways #gstart : To create the giveaway #gend : [ID message] : To end the giveaway before the time expires #gcreate : Create a giveaway, (define a channel) #gstart-role : To create a giveaway by giving only a role! #gend-role | [ID message] To end Giveaway role #gedit : To determine the number of winners and the specific #gdel : [ID message] : Delete the giveaway #greroll : [ID message] : To choose another winner #gcountdown : To create a temporary #gendcountdown : To end the timer --------------------------------------------------------- Admin; #gdm : To close sending bot to private winner #gset-lang : To change the bot language #gfix : To fix the stopped giveaway #ginfo-lang : To show what language bot #gsetlog | log giveaways #gemoji : add on emoji to or server #gblacklist : if you put user in blacklist he cant join a giveaway #gunblacklist : To remove user from blacklist #glistblack : To show the users in blacklist --------------------------------

Serveranzahl: 34.200
Hinzugefügt: 3 Jahre vor



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OwO Türkiye /owoturkiye 🇹🇷